Fujii’s practice focuses on landscapes and nature, though figures hold an enduring interest for the artist. Fujii studies his subject extensively and then returns to the studio to work from carefully taken and selected photographs, applying and incorporating his direct impressions and emotional response to the painted subject.
For Fujii, it is about the gesture rather than a faithful rendering; about conveying the intensity and raw emotion of the moment, rather than offering a lifeless photograph. His method of moving between study of the subject in situ and building the work through photographs allows Fujii the flexibility and room to be selective and employ his imagination, in pursuit of his objective.
The balance of colour is central to Fujii’s practice. Ultimately, Fujii aims to capture and maximise the intensity of the subject by balancing and holding in harmony the warm and cool colour palette and tones on the canvas. His paintings succeed in capturing dynamism and movement while at the same time achieving an overall reassuring sense of calmness and serenity.